injection plastique
injection peak

ZI - 12 rue des caves 

28350 St Lubin-des-Joncherets 


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Presentation usinage plastique 28

SAIMAP-VIENNOT is specialized, From its origin in 1958 in the transformation of polymers fluorinated then in the manufacture of pieces and sub assemblies made of high-performing plastics.

Our strength : Our master and know-how of different transformation techniques of polymers and their assembly.

Our ambition : To reply fully to our client's requirements, proposing innovative solutions at the lowest possible cost.

We work in narrow relation with engineering consulting firms and collaborate in the conception of new projects.
Our technical departments and our experience are at the disposal of our customers.

SAIMAP-VIENNOT is equipped with software CAD and FAO 3D.

injection plastique
injection peak
compression ptfe
moulage ptfe
injection torlon
Advise and R&D departments injection plastique

Since 1958 our ambition has been to offer technical solution adapted to customer needs and projects across a wide variety of industries :


We are always ready to provide technical support and share our experience with our customers. Morever, we work very closely with R&D departments and participate activly in the conception of new projects and products.

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